Sarfraz Khan Virk (CSP)
SP Traffic, Lahore
Throw light on your education and achievements.
I did my intermediate, bachelors and Masters from Government College, Lahore and then LLB from Punjab University. Thanks to Almighty God, I received scholarship from the Government of the Punjab in BA and ‘Gold Medal’ in LLB Part-I from Punjab University.
I appeared in the CSS exams in 2003 and was lucky enough to get 19th position. I was allocated to my group of first choice, the Police Service of Pakistan. I started my career as ASP Margalla, Islamabad and later was transferred to Lahore as ASP Defence and then ASP Civil Lines. In October last year, I was promoted as Superintendent of Police.
Why did you opt for Police Service?
I wanted to have a direct contact with the general public so that I could redress the grievances of common man. A ‘uniform’ job had always attracted me. Police Service is an adventurous and a challenging career and for a young aspirant like me, it was a dream job.
What are the various advantages of this group as compared to other top three groups?
Police Service carries with it respect and prestige which no other group has. Committed and hardworking police officers are known to everybody. The Uniform carries an esteem which cannot be found in other groups. Lastly, the perks and privileges of this group exceed that of all other groups.
What are the qualities of a police officer?
A police officer must be committed and honest to his job. He needs to be strong in terms of physical fitness as well as mentally and psychologically. He must be kind and considerate so that he does not abuse his authority or powers. He should be able to think out-of-the-box to come up with effective strategies to combat terrorism and to maintain law and order and conduct investigations.
What is the source of inspiration behind becoming a police officer?
The inspiration is doing something different for your country. These are the times when police officers need to fight those terrorists who are well-equipped and thoroughly brain-washed. I liked this career where you could provide instant relief to a common man and bring about a positive change.
Why is the police group attractive for our young competitors?
Police service attracts young competitors since it promises a rewarding career. Police officers are highly respected in our society. It is challenging and tests one’s limits.
Being a uniform service, it is highly attractive and adventurous. This career bears authority but with greater responsibilities.
Being a dedicated and energetic officer, how can you perform your duties for the betterment of the public? Comment.
It is my duty to maintain law and order, and protect people’s life and property. It is my duty to undertake unbiased investigation and to ensure that every wrong-doer is punished through a due process of law.
Can you suggest any measures to reform the traditional police culture?
In order to reform the traditional police culture, all hiring must be merit-based. Those police officers who are inducted on political basis are the ones who are most corrupt. Well-educated and qualified young people must be encouraged to join this service. There ought to be greater emphasis on training and refresher courses.
Police officials must be provided with better working conditions and the working hours should be eight hours a day. Medical and transportation facilities should be improved. This was tested in Motorways and Traffic Police and the results have been quite positive.
How can we depoliticize the transforms and postings of police group and observe the strict merit in this regard?
We need to come up with a code of ethics for the politicians who influence the transfer and postings of the police group, so that meritocracy is established. Likewise, police officers must work honestly and should not be dependent upon politicians to secure prominent positions.
A policy framework must be enacted where police officers are appointed for a fixed tenure and ‘sifarish’ culture is discouraged.
Torture in Thana is a common routine and that includes rapes of women. Comment
I would disagree with this statement. At times, criminals in police stations have to be exposed to different modes of investigation which includes mild torture. However, rape of women is not a routine and is not allowed to happen in thanas.
It is matter of common knowledge that crimes take place at the behest or with connivance of police officers. Is it correct?
I won’t agree with this statement. Action is taken against any police officer found to be helpful to criminals in any respect.
Any message.
I would advise all the aspirants of the competitive exams to work hard amid the intense competition. I think only those pupils should join the Police Service who have the genuine passion for it.
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